Photo: Derek Lewis

– Big thanks again to the South Chicago Wheelmen and the Hilton Indian Lakes Resort for hosting not one, but two days of racing in a row. The winds were gale force but thankfully the temps were high and the rain stayed away.

– The winner of the Psimet custom Indian Lakes tublar wheelset was Jostein Alvestad of EMC^2. Congratulations to Jostein and thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets. All proceeds went directly to the SCW junior development program.

– While most of us were trying not to get blown away on the golf course… a few CCC’ers traveled SouthEast to Louisville for the 3rd stop of the USGP of CX. Congrats to everyone who raced, and especially to Verdigris-Village CX‘s David Lombardo to who won the Junior 15-16 race on Sunday.

– Speaking of promoters hosting more than one event, Rob Curtis and the Psimet crew are back again this Saturday with the NORGE Ski Jump Cyclocross. Reg closes Wednesday night at 10:45pm CST. This race is NOT part of the CCC series… but its CX… on the side of a nordic ski jump… how cool is that?

– On Sunday the CCC series continues with promoters Northbrook Cycling Club and Flatlandia at the Camp Duncan YMCA property in Ingleside. Dubbed “Ted’s Excellent Double Track Adventure” we’re sure to see some fun racing through the woods. Flatlandia’s Dave Pilotto ensures us the course will delight everyone with hills, a sandy beach, stair run ups, double track through the woods, and plenty of off camber turns. No word yet on the selection of pork & dairy products that will be available for consumption. One thing that will not be allowed however is alcohol. YMCA property rules prohibit the stuff. We’re sure there will be at least a few of you who won’t read this, so if you see someone blatantly displaying a Daisy Cutter can, please ask them to be more discreet. Check back on Thursday for the full course preview.

– Speaking of things that aren’t allowed. We’ve been asked by our USAC officials to remind everyone again that while CX is fun, and the Cat 4B carnival is even more fun, spectators are NOT allowed to change the course (yes, even in bacon alley). While we love to see people having a great time riding through a tunnel of cheering fans, bacon, Twinkies, and white tigers just as much as the next series organizer, for insurance liability purposes we need to keep things safe for everyone… especially the new and inexperienced guys and gals. You all have done a great job of following the rules so far this year so this will be the last we mention it.

– A few of our promoters have mentioned to us that not all of you have picked up your payouts. If you were in the money but didn’t pick it up, please contact the promoter directly.

– What? Only 2 CCC races left? Can you believe the series is 5/6th’s over? It seems like the relay race was just yesterday.

– Not to worry, Robots Powered by Love and the Chicago Cuttin’ Crew will host the Afterglow on Saturday 12/17 in Humboldt Park.

– What to do after that? Party more of course! Tickets are now on sale for the CCC End of Season Awards Party on Sunday December 18th at EJ’s Place in Skokie. Please pre-reg so the kitchen at EJ’s can plan accordingly. We’ll be awarding the ever popular CCC series winner cowbells and plenty of schwag. And of course the bar will be open all afternoon.

– Still need more racing? Reg for the CCC New Year’s Resolution is open. Discounted room rates are also available but going quickly. Call or click today and use the Group Code (not the promo code) “CYC”. If you raced this past weekend you saw what the facilities are like and got a taste of a few elements of what the course will be like in 2 months. Of course by that time we’ll likely have a little snow on the ground and a few more pro’s. We’re really looking forward to hosting this national caliber event and we hope you all will help us show the rest of the country what they’re missing and how we do CX here in Chicago. We could still use a few more volunteers to help us with setup on Friday and course marshaling on race day, so if you’d like to help out please contact us at

– And finally… its only 40 days until Christmas! In this tough economy many individuals and companies are struggling but we are all very fortunate to be a part of this crazy CCC family that continues to grow and prosper. Our sponsors support the series more than you can imagine and make it all possible and bigger and better every year… so if you are in the market for more cycling gear (and come on, who isn’t?) please support our series sponsors during this holiday shopping season. Thanks!